Wednesday , 18 September 2024

The Benefits of Garden Hedges

The Benefits of Garden Hedges

A hedge is a line of trees and shrubs that are spaced close to one another. The hedge is planted to serve as a barrier and also serve as a boundary between two properties. Asides this, hedges are used in separating roads from fields. Hedges are also made use of in gardens, they are known as garden hedges.


Garden hedges are hedges made use of in gardens. They are used as barriers and obstacles from preventing the entrance of persons in a garden. Apart from this, they are used separating a garden from other properties, gardens and even a road.  Garden hedges consist mainly of shrubs and trees that are beautifully trimmed.

Apart from the major functions of a garden hedge, it also serves aesthetics purposes. As a result of the hedge being beautifully trimmed, the garden is given a pleasurable and beautiful look. In most times, the hedge is usually in the same color with the garden. This creates a form of union and hence brings out an attractive look.

Garden hedges are made up mostly of ornamental shrubs. These ornamental shrubs are found in various kinds. Examples include oriental shrub like bonsai which create lovely conversational pieces and it can be trimmed into different shapes as a result of the twisted branches are create them.

There are some kinds of garden hedges that are made up of lovely flowers at different periods in a year. Both the oriental shrubs and the ones with beautiful flowers demand more work compared to the traditional hedgerow evergreen.

Another flowering shrub is the rose of Sharon which is very beautiful. They are not really exceptional as they wither during winter. There is also the lavender which is a perfect hedge plant for beauty and privacy. Lavender also withers off during winter periods.


No matter the plant, shrub or tree that a garden hedge is composed of, it serves as an effective means of ensuring privacy and security. Apart from these, it serves as a source of beauty as it complements the beauty of a garden.

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