Friday , 20 September 2024

Use Raised Bed Gardening and Avoid Challenges

Use Raised Bed Gardening and Avoid Challenges

Raised Bed gardening is also gardening that is done using boxes. This helps to get over all the challenges that you face in gardening like pathway weeds, soil erosion and pests. Raised beds in gardening help in providing better soil drainage. The sides of the boxes prevent soil from being washed away.

Places Selling Raised Garden Beds

Any of the stores selling plants and other gardening equipment also sell raised beds of cedar which are resistant to rot. They have lapped corners which are held in place by aluminium rods of 3/8 “.Larger box sizes have cross supports of aluminium to avoid bowing. These boxes are available in different sizes to meet your gardening needs.

The Cedar wood used in the making of these garden boxes is kiln dried to make it durable and resistant to rotting. They can be easily assembled and used for planting. There are also plastic ones available which can be recycled. The plastic can withstand high temperatures and will also not rot or spilt.

Enjoy Gardening using Raised Garden Beds

Raised garden beds are ideal for novices   who are trying their hand at gardening. There is no dirt since soil and composite are mixed and filled into the boxes. The walls of the boxes are provided with drainage facilities which prevent erosion. When these plant beds are exposed to the sun they are warmed up and the growing season is extended.

Plants can be spaced close together to increase the yield. This also forces the weeds out. Raising the level of the soil helps the planters by decreasing back bending when weeding and planting.

How cement Construction blocks can be used to make Raised Garden Beds

Making raised garden beds using cement construction blocks is one of the cheapest ways. Plants grower faster in raised bed gardening as the soil is rich and the plants compete for sunlight and nutrients. The more the organic matter in the soil the better the plant grows. This is just the opportunity to help you turn your backyard into a yielding vegetable and flower garden.

Those interested in raised bed gardening can use these opportunities to start one of their own.

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